Making the smartest, most valuable, and most trusted assistant people turn to every time they shop online.
My RoleProduct Design Manager2020 - PresentDesign TeamDayana AlvarezJared BrainerdMalia EugenioJulie LogueKatherine WangLawrence Yong
Honey gives everyone who buys online the information they need to make the best decisions with their money.
I joined in 2020 and currently manage Honey's Shopping Tools design team. We're responsible for all of the experiences delivered through Honey's web browser extension. Our work helps millions of users make smarter shopping decisions, and is the engine at the core of Honey's business.
More Work
Places I've worked2020 - Present
Honey / PayPal
I lead a team of 15 product designers responsible for global online shopping across Honey and PayPal products.
2016 - 2020
Signal Sciences
Signal Sciences helps companies protect their applications against attacks. As Head of Design, I helped the startup scale through several stages of growth up through acquisition.
2011 - 2016
American Public Media
As Director of UX for American Public Media and KPCC, I led design and engineering. I helped define product strategy, designed all our platform products, and shipped award winning editorial projects.
Case Studies
Selected workMobile App
KPCC for iPhone
KPCC, the second largest public radio station in the U.S., earned a loyal audience of 700,000 weekly radio listeners. In 2014, I designed their new iOS app to help them garner an equally devoted smartphone audience.
Web App
Outpost CMS
I designed KPCC’s publishing platform to bring structure and clarity to the content authoring experience. Clear, powerful authoring flows allow reporters to move quickly from blank canvas to published article.